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Stop Joint Pain Before It Starts

There’s no real secret to getting stronger muscles. You put them under stress, you feed them the right nutrients, and voila, your muscles get stronger. But your joints and cartilage seems to be a bit trickier – especially with so many people suffering from arthritis....

6 Things You Need to do Right Now to Boost Your Immune System

It’s no secret that it’s cold and flu season. Being in close proximity to someone who’s sick is hard on your immune system. Some days you wish some people would just use a sick day. Or why is it that your child is always sitting next to the sick kid? It’s time to take...

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

It is easily one of the most difficult trials you’ll ever face – maintaining your weight during the holidays. You’re assaulted by abundance. People shoving fruitcakes, peppermint bark, pumpkin pies, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes. Dessert after dessert after dessert....

2 Reasons You Need Sulfur this Winter + Where to Get It

Winter is hard on your skin... That's a simple fact! You can use all sorts of hand creams, lotions, and body butters if you want. And they’ll probably help a little bit. Or, you could try using a pincer attack to finish off the problem – seek help from both the inside...

Can You Drink Chocolate Milk for a Recovery Drink?

As the saying goes, "Milk does a body good..." So chocolate milk must do a body better, right? Cause chocolate has actual, verifiable benefits and so does milk, so it must be a super drink. You'd be surprised but the answer is actually yes, chocolate milk can be good...

5 Superfoods that Obliterate Inflammation

Could I have titled this without using “super”? Probably. They’re not exactly like Clark Kent/Superman. There’s not really an instant reveal or cooking method that will turn these from plain old journalist to superhero. But they certainly act like them for all the...

How to Make Your Own Hand Cream

We’ve turned the clocks back an hour (well, most of us in the US have). The leaves have pretty much all fallen off the trees by now. It’s November. Thanksgiving is coming. I don’t mean to be all doom and gloom, but the signs are clear. Moisture is starting to get...

How to Save Your Knees When You Exercise

Other than not having the motivation to exercise, what’s the reason most people find a reason to stay away from the gym? “It’s going to hurt.” Or, to be more specific, “My knees can’t handle it.” I know you’ve heard the counter-argument many times before – exercise...

Doing THIS Can Reduce the Risk of 5 Common Diseases

We’ve come a long way in medicine. Polio and the measles have nearly been eradicated. People are living longer than ever. But there are still 5 common diseases that seem to plague us. In no particular order, they are: breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, stroke, and...

These 5 tips can help ensure you never eat late at night again

Do you find yourself eating more food than normal at night? Do you instantly regret it? Regret that you worked hard all day only to fall off the wagon at night… It’s completely normal. Happens to lots of folks. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I used to do it...

How to Make Lip Balm

It’s not quite winter yet, but it’s certainly starting to feel like it in many areas across the country. For me, there’s always one part of your body that seems to notice the effects of winter first – because it’s also the most vulnerable spot. I’m talking about your...

How Alcohol Affects Your Workout Results

Wine contains tons of antioxidants – most notably, resveratrol. It has potent anti-aging effects. So that means drinking alcohol is OK, right? Or just wine? Or maybe you can drink those low carb beers. Because carbs are the enemy, right? Unfortunately, there’s a lot...

How to Make Your Own Pumpkin Seed Butter

Are you sick of pumpkin yet? I hope not because there’s something insanely delicious you probably haven’t even tried. The best news is that it’s easier than pie to make and it’s packed full of nutrition. Why Pumpkin? It’s fall, so naturally the Great Pumpkin has come...

13 Uses for Baking Soda (Other than Deodorizing Your Fridge)

Baking soda can be used for so much more than just keeping your fridge from smelling bad. It works so well for so many things that I always have at least 2 containers on hand. (Of course, one stays in the fridge). You can use it as an antacid, to make your teeth...

5 Foods Guaranteed to Make You Happier

The sun is the best source of vitamin D. And lack of vitamin D is believed to be a contributing factor in Seasonal Affective Disorder. You know, that awful time during fall and winter when everything seems to be awful and you’re depressed – seemingly for no reason at...

Mouthwateringly Delicious Turmeric Tea Recipe

In these cold seasons, one of my favorite things to do is try different tea recipes. Recently I came across this Turmeric tea that was absolutely amazing. Watch the video and try it at home today! Want to fully enjoy the benefits of Turmeric? Try our Premium Grade...

How to make your own Beeswax Candles

Believe it or not, someone made a candle that smells (apparently) exactly like a new Mac. Fresh out of the box, even. It’s a mix of mint, peach, basil, sage, lavender, and mandarin – and probably a bit more. It can all be yours for $24. Or you can make your own candle...

4 Proven Ways To Stronger Bones

Your bones help keep you upright. Without them, you’d just be a pile of mush. And who wants to be a pile of mush? But on a more serious note, osteoporosis is a debilitating disease. You find yourself in incredible pain because your bones can fracture easily if you...

Quick Heartburn & Acid Reflux Relief

Are you punishing yourself every time you eat your favorite foods? Do you eat pizza and sit there just waiting for the unstoppable fire to consume your chest and bottom of your esophagus. Some of the following are quick and easy ways to relieve heartburn and acid...

DIY Body Butter For Silky Smooth Skin

Don’t look now but the leaves are already falling off and turning colors. Yup. It’s already fall. It actually started over a week ago. Frozen winters and harsh winds are right around the corner. So it’s time to step up your moisturizing game. Lotion may be fine in the...