Ugh, the worst, bloating! After eating a meal that included something your stomach was not happy about. Maybe it was that carbonated soda you chugged to wash down the meal you ate. Whatever it was, now a feeling of constant pressure on your abdomen. Your stomach feels like it’s about to explode, not to mention looks like you just ate a watermelon. I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely felt all these things. Because this feeling is so uncomfortable, I’ve done extensive research to help avoid this in the future. Hopefully what has helped me can help you!
First things first, what are you eating?
Are you aware of any food allergies or intolerances? As soon as I figured out that my stomach was not a fan of dairy products, I cut back and saw immediate improvement. Now finding these allergies or intolerances is not easy, but it’s well worth paying attention too. Common ones are obviously lactose intolerant but then there is also fructose (not produced naturally in your body), wheat and gluten are some others. Try cutting some of these out of your diet and see if this is causing that uncomfortable bloating.
Foods high in fiber can also help your stomach produce gas, see if maybe whole grains cause discomfort.
Fatty foods will slow down digestion and inhibit its ability to empty the stomach, this will contribute to bloating as well.
Avoid carbonated beverages!
Ah, but they’re so good you say. But I say, ah, they are so bad for you. These tasty little beverages, that also include a ton of sugar (may be the cause of bloating in itself), contain carbon dioxide which will be released from the liquid once it enters your stomach. This then leaves your stomach literally with gas inside, definitely a culprit of bloating.
How can supplementation help my bloating?
There are two types of supplements you may take that will help with stomach issues; Digestive Enzyme and Probiotics.
Digestive enzymes are essentially what break down the foods we eat. These would most definitely help with any food intolerances you may have. I take these if I know I’m about to eat something with dairy in it, the enzymes help my stomach break it down avoiding any stomach issues.
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Probiotics, once the digestive enzymes break down your food, help move that broken down food through your body and distribute all the nutrients once they are broken down. Probiotics are the good bacteria in your gut, they can improve gas and bloating by improving the environment in your gut. They are also very important for immune health as well.
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These are both essential when considering how your food is processed. Not enough good bacteria in your gut will lead to bloating and gas, not enough digestive enzymes will cause food to struggle to be broken down properly.
In conclusion, start with the foods you eat, try and find the specific foods that are making you feel uncomfortable and bloated. If this proves to be difficult, try supplementation with digestive enzymes and probiotics to maintain your optimal health.
Research References
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