Probiotics are “essential” to your body's health and sustainability.
What are probiotics and why are they so important?
They are organisms that come in the form of good bacteria. Good bacteria work inside your digestive tract to fight off bad bacteria. Bad bacteria come from a variety of sources and feed off weak and unsanitary environments.
If you have too much bad bacteria in your digestive system, it can weaken your entire body and immunity. There should be a good balance between good and bacteria in order for your body to properly digest and absorb foods. In order to keep your levels of good bacteria high, it is best to consume food and drink that contains a good source of probiotics. Here are the most popular forms of probiotic sources.
Whenever people hear of probiotics, they will most likely think of the source of cultured or Greek yogurt. This is the most popular form of obtaining your daily recommended probiotics. Yogurt comes from goats, sheep or cows. This is beneficial because it means that yogurt comes from animals that are fed a grass diet and it is also not pasteurized.
Since yogurt is so popular, it has also become more difficult for consumers to choose one that actually contains the benefits of proper probiotics. Make sure that the yogurt you consume is one that comes from a goat, sheep or cow, that they are fed grass in their diet and it is natural and organic. Stay away from brands that have flavors or added sugars.
This is a combination of milk and fermented kefir grains. Kefir is similar to yogurt but contains a lot more probiotics due to its fermentation with yeast and other forms of bacteria. Taste-wise, it is considered to be tart and somewhat acidic. It also has approximately 10 to 35 different strains of probiotics.
This is the simplest and easiest way to consume probiotics and include it in your diet every single day.
It’s important to note that there are different types of strains of probiotics which is why it's important to find a full spectrum product that contains multiple strains.
When purchasing a probiotic supplement be sure it has strain diversity and a high bacteria count, between 1-10 billion organisms. Look for beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Bacillus.
Did you know: Your gut is made up of roughly 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria, keeping this balance is crucial for optimal health. An imbalance will turn a healthy gut into an unhealthy environment causing stress on your body, leading to infections, constipation, gas, increased cholesterol, hormonal problems, etc.
Kombucha is a form of fermented black tea. It contains a combination of yeast and bacteria. Originating from Japan, people have been consuming kombucha for over 2,000 years. The primary health benefits include increased energy, liver cleansing and digestive support properties.
Fermented Vegetables: Kimchi, Pickles, etc.
The sourer the vegetable is, the more likely it has a good source of probiotics. That sour taste is what promotes the production of good bacteria in our digestive systems. The fermentation process also contains a lot of digestive enzymes, which will help the body with digesting and breaking down food properly.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is also known as the miracle drink. It boasts a ton of health benefits including improving your immunity, digestion, and health overall. It is no wonder that it also helps you with consuming more good bacteria. It is also proven to help with regulating blood circulation and improving chronic conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol. Take a small amount every day and dilute it with water as it can be very acidic upon consumption.
Your digestive system plays a big role in how you feel every day. The way that you can keep your gut happy and healthy is through the consumption of probiotic-rich foods that come from natural sources. Probiotics are the good bacteria that line your intestinal system. The more that you have in your system, the more likely you are to wave off illness and infection as these guys will work hard to keep bad bacteria at bay. You will also avoid digestive issues, vitamin deficiencies, stress, autoimmune disease and skin issues that can all be caused by an imbalance in gut bacteria.
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