A 2015 survey asked Americans around the world what they wish they had more of on a daily basis. Aside from the obvious answers like money, time, and vacation days, 73% of people said they wish they had more energy.
Here are 11 great ways to sleep better and increase your energy levels…
Go to bed before 10 pm
Sleep is the greatest way to repair your body. Out of the 8 hours of sleep recommended to Americans, only 45% actually get all 8 hours. This is by far the biggest reason we are all walking around like zombies. No wonder Starbucks is making a killing. Try going to bed at 10 pm at the latest.
Lower your cortisol levels
Cortisol is essential for life. It is what is released when you are in danger or need to act quickly to avoid a car on the road. Too much of this circulating in our blood can also impair our sleeping patterns. Keep from doing anything stressful late at night to avoid this common mistake
Reduce your screen time
It is common to wind down after a long day with an hour or so of television. While this seems relaxing, it is actually keeping your brain awake. Light from screens emit the same kind of light as daylight when you go outside. Your brain thinks it is daytime when it should think it is night time. Try cutting out screens an hour before you go to bed.
Dim house lights at night
Just like a screen from phones and TV’s, light coming from light bulbs tell your brain it is day time and keep the hormone cortisol high. Before the invention of electricity, people would use candle like to stay up and read and relax. This type of light is less stressful thus making our bodies release less cortisol.
Read the fine Print on Medication
As we all know, most medications have side effects we wouldn’t think they would. But based on the condition and the pathway in which it operates, some medications can keep us up at night. Check with your doctor to make sure your medication isn’t screwing up your sleeping patterns.
Don’t Drink Caffeine after 2 pm
Caffeine is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Between coffee and soda, caffeine makes up 62% of the beverages consumed by Americans on a daily basis. While this might not be harmful to us in even high doses, it can affect your sleeping cycle. Studies have shown that subjects who drank caffeine-containing beverages early afternoon and on, had complicated brain waves during sleep.
Balance out your diet
Blood sugar crashes directly affect your energy levels. When a diet is too high in one of the three macronutrients (protein, carbs, or fat), blood sugar is more sensitive to spikes, making your body have to compensate and recover. Try eating a diet with a little more balance at every meal. Have equal portions of carbs, fats, and protein.
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Exercise in the morning before work
Exercising before work has a dual purpose benefit. One, it gets you to exercise without having an excuse later in the day, and two it actually gives you energy by boosting adrenaline. As a side, exercising in the morning makes you more tired at night, promoting an earlier bedtime.
Take a melatonin supplement
Melatonin has been long known to help aid those who find it hard to sleep at night. In fact, melatonin is one of the chemicals released when you feel tired. By supplying your body with an even dose at night, it can help you fall asleep and sleep better throughout the night.
Reduce your electromagnetic field
EMFs, as they are more commonly called, have a tendency to interfere with your brain waves, which makes sleep very hard to stay regulated. If you leave your phone powered on by your bedside, it could be interfering with your sleep.
Ask your doctor
If some of the home remedies listed above don’t help you sleep better, talk to your doctor about how to get more sleep. He or she may write you a prescription for something a little stronger to get you going.
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