The Hardest Workout I’ve Ever Done
Today, I went for a run. And it was the hardest workout I’ve ever done. I’ve done a lot of different workouts too – EDTs (15 continuous minutes of a high intensity exercise), tabatas (with weights and without), heavy lifting sessions – just about everything there is...
read more7 tips your dermatologist won’t tell you
Having beautiful skin doesn’t have to be reserved for people with lots of time and money on their hands. There are some simple, powerful strategies you can use to get the complexion you’ve always wanted. The first step is knowing your type of skin. Skin Types It’s...
read more6 Quick and Easy Ways to Get Rid of Stress
Stress gets the best of us all. People yell at unhealthy levels. Some people get road rage because their boss thinks being on time is the same as being late. Some people are strung tightly. What’s clear though is that everyone experiences stress in some way. I had a...
read moreHow to Make Your Own Foaming Hand Soap
One of the easiest ways to keep yourself healthy during this time (and anytime) is to wash your hands consistently. You use your hands to open doors, shake hands, and to bring food to your mouth… They’re pits of germ disaster waiting to happen. That’s why you should...
read more7 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Blood Pressure
Having a stroke is the #5 cause of death in the US. But according the new research published in The Lancet, 90% of strokes are preventable. Researchers used the findings from the first phase of the INTERSTROKE to determine what the top risks for stroke and how likely...
read more7 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Blood Pressure
Having a stroke is the #5 cause of death in the US. But according the new research published in The Lancet, 90% of strokes are preventable. Researchers used the findings from the first phase of the INTERSTROKE to determine what the top risks for stroke and how likely...
read moreIs Turmeric the Real Deal?
I bet you’ve been wondering if everything they say about turmeric is true. Don’t worry. I won’t judge you. It’s good to be skeptical. After all, you’ve seen miracle claim after miracle claim being tossed around in connection with turmeric. Like… Turmeric can help with...
read more8 Health Benefits of Maple Syrup
Did you know that maple syrup can actually help improve overall health? Here's eight reasons why you should incorporate this tasty treat into your daily diet... Image courtesy of Dr....
read more5 Tips For Prize Winning Tomatoes
With a wide variety of different options for choosing tomato cultivars, or varieties, it’s possible to grow this versatile plant literally in any type of environment. They can be grown in hothouses, in a pot on the kitchen window sill or in gardens or containers...
read more3 Summer Smoothies To Give Your Body A Boost
One thing I really enjoy doing during these hot summer months is making smoothies. It's a great way to enjoy a tasty treat while also giving your body a healthy intake of fruits and veggies. Here's three super simple smoothie recipes that are among my favorite: Add a...
read more5 Foods That Make You Young Again
We are what we eat... You've heard this mantra time and time again. Fact is, this has been proven scientifically and is commonly accepted among most people world wide. If we eat good, we look good and feel good. While there are foods that can make you feel healthier,...
read moreTHIS household ingredient boosts your immune system
Would you believe something as simple as this can massively help boost your immune system: Water (The most common resource in every household) Ginger Turmeric (Very common in most people's spice racks) Cloves Honey (Chances are you have this in your kitchen cupboard...
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